You claim you're a teacher

You look a little young for it but the human suit is kind of ambiguous in age. You're really short but, the looseness in your human suit in certain places could be mistaken as wrinkles.You walk in. You're not exactly sure what earth science is so maybe you should have been a student. But it's alright since you strongly believe that teachers can learn from students. You ask the class what they want to learn and one girl says she wants to learn how to bring Mr. Miffles the class pet back to life. You ask where Mr. Miffles is. You find out that Mr. Miffles is an earth animal called a hamster and fortunately the body hasn't been decomposed, burned or vaporized and only got dropped from a high space.Thats okay. you can do it. With the help of some alien tech and the whole class's teamwork you succeed. Mr. Miffles is okay now and now the only problem is he can levitate a few inches off the ground now, kind of tired so you'll fix it tomorrow. Everyone thinks you're really cool except the smart kid who claims that what the class did had miffy ethical connotations but you counter back that he only said that because he's jealous that no one likes him enough to want to resurrect him after he dies, and then the nearest student says sick burn and give you a high five.

💪Go to gym class?

Go to math class?

🍕Fuck class let's eat human food.